Finance and 
Habits in 
Southeast Asia

This 6-market study uncovers various aspects of 
financial behavior and attitudes among 
Southeast Asians, providing valuable insights into 
their perceptions of success, saving habits, credit 
card ownership, payment habits, and more. The 
report also addresses interest in exploring 
opportunities in regional markets and comfort 
levels with financial risks. 

These findings can inform marketing strategies 
and product development, enabling brands to 
identify partnerships, cater to investment 
preferences, address market gaps, and tailor 
offerings to match the risk tolerance of Southeast 
Asian consumers.

 This report covers:
 • Top banks/platforms for investments
 • Perspectives on success in life
 • Saving habits
 • Credit card ownership trends and payment habits
 • Credit score range
 • Investment activity and areas of interest
 • Confidence in seeking professional financial advice
 • Top sources for investment advice
 • Challenges in making investment decisions
 • Interest in exploring investment opportunities in regional markets
 • Comfort levels with financial risks